Classiclll's Blog

an old boy




クラス Rod ー 3次元空間の直線のモデル

stern()=艢(とも)  :基点の位置
bow() =舳先(へさき) :(直線の)方向ベクトルを現在の長さ(length)だけ延長したところにある点
at(t)=tにある位置  :(直線の)方向ベクトルを長さtだけ延長したところにある点
length()=全長    ;この【線分】の長さ

Rod nearest(Rod to) // thisとtoのあいだの最短線分、長さが0なら交差している
float dist(Rod to) // 二つの直線間の距離(3次元空間上での最近接距離)
boolean crossing(Rod to) // 直線toと交差するか?(最近接距離がゼロか?)
* Class Rod, the model of partial line on the 3D space,
 * 			spanned from it's stern to it's bow
 *					created by Classiclll, 6/28/2008
 *  Rod(Loc s, Loc b)			// only constructor you can use
 *  	Loc at(float t)			// location at t, at(0):stern, at(me.length):bow
	Rod move(Loc to)			// move stern to "to"
	Rod shift(Loc diff)		// shift stern by "diff"
	Rod shiftI(Loc diff)		// inverse shift
	Rod scale(float factor)	// scale the size of me by factor
	Rod scaleI(float factor)	// inverse scaling
	Loc intersect2D(Rod to) 	// intersect position on the x-y plane
	float signedDist2D(Rod pt)// distance with sign of left/right side on the x-y plane
	float dist2D(Loc pt)		// distance between "me" and "pt" on the x-y plane
	Rod ortho(Loc pt)		// the shortest rod connecting from "me" to "pt"
	Rod nearest(Rod to)		// the shortest rod connecting from "me" to "to"
	float dist(Loc pt)		// distance between "me" and "pt"
	boolean having(Loc pt)	// is "me" having "pt" on myself ?
	float dist(Rod to)		// least distance between "me" and line "to"
	boolean crossing(Rod to)// are "me" and "to" crossing each other ?
	float length()			// length of me
	Loc stern()				// location of the stern of me
	Loc bow()				// location of the bow of me
	Loc fore()				// foward direction of me, the unit vector
	Boolean equals(Rod to)
	String toString()

静的クラス l4p5 ー Loc, Rod, PImageのための描画ユーティリティ

Loc p=new Loc(1,2,3), q=new Loc(4,2,4);
l4p5.line(p, q);
* class l4p5, P5 drawing utilities for package Loc 
 *           coded by Classiclll on 08/07/20
[initial setting, always needed]
 *  setL4p5(PApplet parent)
[Processing's primitives]
	lline2D(Loc s, Loc t)
	lline2D(Rod r)
 	lline(Loc s, Loc t)
	lline(Rod r)
	lvertex(Loc l)
	lvertex(Loc l, float u, float v) 
	lvertex2D(Loc l)
 	lvertex2D(Loc l, float u, float v) 
	lbezierVertex(Loc l, Loc m, float x, float y, float z)
	lbezierVertex2D(Loc l, Loc m, float x, float y)
	lellipse(Loc l, float width, float height)
	lellipse(Rod r)
	lrect(Loc l, float width, float height)
	lrect(Rod r)
	lpoint(Loc l)
	lpoint2D(Loc l)
	lbox(Loc l, float width, float height, float depth)
	lbox(Rod r)
	lsphere(Loc l, float radius)
	lsphere(Rod r)
[Extended stufs]
	lpolygon(Loc[] at)
	lpolygon(Loc[] at, PImage img)
[Texture Mapped 3D Primitives.    coded by Classiclll on 5/1/2006]
	"dim" is the degree of detail of each shapes (positive odd number)
	void ltmdSphere(float radius, PImage img)
	void ltmdOctahedron(float radius, PImage img)
	void ltmdBarrel(float radius, PImage img)
	void ltmdCapsule(int dim, float radius, PImage img)
	void ltmdBox(float len, PImage img)
	void ltmdHexapole(float radius, float len, PImage img)
	void ltmdTube(int dim, float radius, float len, PImage img)
	void ltmdTetra(float len, PImage img)
	void ltmdCone(float radius, float len, PImage img)
	void ltmdCone(int dim, float radius, float len, PImage img)
		// To Do


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