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an old boy

AttitudeAnalysis with two accerelometers using Wrj4P5

イメージ 1

Proce55ing(Processing)用のWiiリモコンライブラリーWrj4P5による姿勢解析 その3(だっけ?)

まだ、スクリプトは出来てないんだけど、Wrj4P5を作った元々の目的、【リアル3Dポインター】に向けて、theoritical thinkingをしてみた。



<the problem definition> 
 * sFt : sensed force vector (at time t), in terms of G's 
 * mFt : moving force vector 
 * tFt : tangent force vector of self-rotation 
 * cFt : centrifugal force vector of self-rotation 
 * gF  : gravitational force vector (always tward the Earth) 
 * dt  : time duration from last sensing (at time t) 
 in general 
    sFt = mFt + tFt + cFt +gFt 
now we want to devide 4 forces from the sensed force vector sFt 
once done, we ca obtain 
  Velocity at t,            wVt <- sum(mFt*dt) 
  Location at t,            wLt <- sum(wVt*dt) 
  Rotational Velocity at t, wRt <- sum(tFt*dt) 
  Attitude at t,            wAt <- sum(wRt*dt) 
   * attitude is consist of two unit vector, toBottom and toFront.

<in case of stable assumption> 
we can suppose mFt=0, cFt<<0, tFt<<0 under the assumption. 
so we obtain sFt==tFt+gF(t-1), gFt == sFt, and 
  attitude at t,      wAt.rotate(axis,angle)
    where axis is a unit vector of cross product of sFt and toBottom
      with my 3D vector class "Loc", wSt.cross(toBottom).unit()
or simply
  roll of wii at t,   roll  == asin(sFt.x) 
  pitch of wii at t,  pitch == asin(sFt.y)

<modeling the TiagoTiago's idea> 
now we have a couple of accelerometers, two remotes, or remote w/t nunchuck. 
 * xXtn : xXt is a previously-defined vectors, and n(=0,1) for distinction 
 * rod  : virtual rod between our accelerometers, rod.norm() is rod length. 
and supposing 
 1. both accelerometers are on the same coordinate. 
 2. each sensing are done simultaneously. 

<using TiagoTiago's model> 
by subtracting sFt1 from sFt0 we can obtain the self-rotatonal force vector of the rod. 
  rFt = sFt0-sFt1, then rFt == (tFt0+tFt1) + (cFt0 +cFt1) 
   (please examine above, by drawing force vectors on 2D space = paper.) 

now if we makeup the 1. and 2. situation, and if we measure the rod vector value, 
we can distinct the tFt0+tFt1 to obtain the self-rotation of wiiremote, by projection of rFt to rod. 

using self-rotation vector, in theory, we can get the gFt without stable assumption. 

and we can distinct the mFt, the target acceleration.

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